A white Christmas, in Hawaii?
A few days ago we had the privilege to get snow here in Hawaii. Yep that's right, there was actual snow here in Hawaii!! No, it wasn't falling from the sky. Hubby's unit had it imported here on base for us to enjoy for their annual Christmas party. They had Amtracks for the kids to ride, a ton of food, games and lots of different activities. One of the activities was getting to jump around in snow.
I must say it seems like the Marines enjoyed having it here just as much as the kids did. :) Of course none of us were properly equipped with snow gear so after about 10 minutes the kids all started complaining that their feet and hands were hurting from jumping around and throwing snow balls. Nevertheless, they couldn't playing and really enjoyed themselves.
Below are a couple of videos of the days festivities.
Enjoy!! :)
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