Funny Kiddy Story - "Dora, Dora, Dora!"

This funny kiddy story comes courtesy of Ethan. When he was about 2 1/2 or 3 yrs old he SWORE Dora was his girlfriend. I let him watch her program because she was wholesome. He watched her in awe on a daily basis and whenever we went anywhere, he wanted to get a Dora sticker or cup or anything that had her face on it. Hubby and I (mainly me, lol) helped him fulfill his crush with little Dora objects that were'nt too girly.

Anyway, one night while I was cleaning up dishes and such downstairs, I came into my room to see that Ethan had not only gotten out of his bed, he was in my bed fast asleep with a bag of goldfish treats and his life size Dora doll under him. It was hilarious then and looking at this pic brings back soooo many great and hilarious memories...


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