So I usually save Thursdays for my venting days and join the lovely Kmama in her "Thank You Very Much Thursdays" but it seems that my girl Dumb Mom from Parenting BY Dummies has taken over the blog world, he he ;)
Anywhoo, I figured I'd just go off on a rant on my own. I've had a CRAZY busy week and I'm truly exhausted. It's funny because this time last year I was moping around and complaining about the littlest things. Sure I blamed it on the hormones of me being pregnant but in all honesty, I gave God so many reasons to not bless me early last year.
I guess it was just a way for me to deal with the fact that with every new duty station hubby gets sent to, it means I end up moving further and further away from my loved ones. I was excited to move to Hawaii but I knew I was leaving my BF/lil sis behind in Cali and I was gonna be that much farther away from my east coast family and that was a hard truth to swallow. I also knew that the chances of getting visitors were slim to none because we rarely got visitors when we lived in Cali since my peeps are a little frightened of flying.
Anywhoo, this year I promised myself that I wouldn't complain about anything (big, he he) no matter what. Sure I can still fuss a little bit about simple little things like Chip always waking me up in the middle of the night, or the baby chomping down too hard on my boobies, or the boys constantly fighting over games that are the size of a wheat thin, or hubby constantly messing up the laundry or the fact that I miss wearing sweaters. I'm talking about being more appreciative of where I am right now.
I have to believe that God has me exactly where he wants me to be. I made a promise that this year I'll work my butt off in one of the things I feel passionate about and that's writing. So far it's been an amazing experience. I've gotten to connect with so many wonderful people and even got to start my very own business at home doing what I love to do.
I'm almost half way through the year and I'm already excited about what's to come by year end.
I'm a happy camper and truly grateful ;)
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