Inspirational Mondays - "The Little Things"

As a mom I'm faced with tons of opportunities to not only teach my children life's lessons but to learn from them myself. These days it seems as though I'm always learning new things, especially when dealing with boys. They get into anything and everything and I now realize that they think and do completely different things that girls their age do.

They're pretty good boys but of course there are times when I have an "open mouth" moment when what they do is so puzzling to me that I have nothing to say or do other than to just "open my mouth" in awe. lol

Lately they've had some issues appreciating the simple things even if it's a toy. To them, if its fun and they break it then oh well. I had to tell them that God only blesses you with bigger things if you prove to him that you can appreciate and take care of the small things. It's not about being materialistic, its about taking care of what you have and not just to get better things, to just appreciate what God's blessed us with.

It's only when we appreciate the simple and small things that we can be blessed with bigger and better things of God. Again, not speaking from a materialistic point of view but rather a spiritual view where God sees that we are capable of handling his work and the purpose he has for our lives.

I read this message and thought it matched perfectly with the lessons I've been teaching my boys...

"Dear Lord, today let us be victorious over the little things in life. Help us to show love to those around us, to willingly share what we have, to speak kindly to those in need of a kind word. Even if what we have to watch over seems small and unimportant, remind is to do our job with mercy, justice, and love. Let us handle small things with big hearts. Amen."

"Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things." - Matthew 25:21 NKJV

Happy Monday everyone. Have a blessed and prosperous week.

Ciao! :)


  1. Kerry, you hit the nail on the head! Husband and I were up awake last night talking about this exact subject! Sometimes it's like they feel it's 'owed' to them, to me? That is embarrassing on my part as a parent. What am I teaching them anyway? I don't want my boys to ever think they 'deserve' anything but be grateful for things small or big. I'm with you, I'm with you!

  2. Hey Kerr,
    I actually just got done listening to almost the entire book of Matthew on audio bible on today. Thanks for sharing your post here. True and practical application for my boys, love it! Give 'em hugs and kisses from Uncle Stephen

  3. Thanks for stopping by guys. It's good to hear from you both. I'm glad this post touched you both. :)

  4. Kerry,
    Great post! We go through the same struggle with our kids in trying to teach them the same things that you are teaching yours! In my opinion all you can do is exactly what your doing. We have to have faith that God will do the rest!


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