Inspirational Mondays - "Acceptance"

List 1
  1. Beautiful
  2. Compassionate
  3. Generous
List 2
  1. Stretch marks
  2. Nasal Voice
  3. Thick thighs
Each of these lists contains words that describe me. Although I love and accept list 1, I sometimes find myself working hard or obsessing over list 2. I end up frustrating or overwhelming myself with trying to change the things on list 2 which goes completely against God's intention for my life.

My point in making these lists was to point out that we all have good and bad lists but for some reason we tend to focus more on the list with the negative aspects rather than accepting and focusing on the list with our positive attributes.

Why is that? Why is it so easy for us to put energy and work into changing things that make us feel bad about ourselves rather than embracing the good? I'm not saying that we should'nt always strive to better individuals but there should always be a balance and we should always be mindful of the things we decide to put our minds to. Be careful that you aren't trying to change the very thing that God intended for you to use as a way to give back, reach out to others or even the very thing that will teach us the lesson of acceptance within ourselves.

I'm not fond of my thick thighs but it shouldn't stop me from going to the beach in a bikini. In fact I should be grateful and embrace them because it enhances my curves, which I love.

We don't live in a perfect world and although God wants us to always do good and be better people, he also wants us to accept the things he's given us and not go over board with trying to change ourselves.

This week's inspirational quote is a very popular but poignant quote:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Happy Monday Ohana!

Have a blessed and prosperous week. :)


  1. This is the exact verse for my week! Love that confirmation He gives to us! Have a great week in Him....


  2. Beautifully & eloquently stated, Kerry Anne. Love your Blog and how it's growing. And I especially love Inspirational Mondays (even if I'm reading it on a Tuesday ;-)

  3. Thanks for always reading my blog ladies. Hope you both have a lovely week.

    @Shannon- thanks for the sweet sentiments. Love ya girl. :)


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