Inspirational Mondays - "Roots"

Aloha and Happy Monday Ohana!

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend. My weekend was pretty eventful but very nice. Hubby and I made sure our boys knew the true meaning of the Holiday because it's way too important to drown it out with Easter eggs and bunny. Don't get me wrong, we still took part in Easter egg hunts but we wanted to make sure they knew that Easter wasn't about eggs or bunnies or candy.

This particular Holiday was extra special because it's when Christ died for each and every one of us whether we deserved it or not. It's such an awe inspiring concept to sit and meditate on. Little old me... Jesus died for me. Jesus bared ALL that he did on the cross and died a slow and painful death just for me. I can't help but to be grateful to him and live the life he wants me to live.

Every year my church puts on a huge Easter production about the miracles Jesus performed as well as him being crucified on the cross. It's a poignant story and one I will never get tired of hearing or seeing. This year's play was especially touching for me since I've been digging deeper into the word of God. It's like I was seeing and hearing everything through a newer and better perspective. I like this new me. :)

I found this scripture and thought it fit this week's post perfectly:

"So walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." - Colossians 2:6-7 NASB

Have a blessed and prosperous week everyone!

Mahalo for stopping by. :)


  1. Easter always feels like a new beginning for me, like this should be the first of a new year! It sounds like you are still in an amazing place of growing deeper with new fresh eyes. This is how Jesus tells us to be you know...even if we have loved Jesus for a long time.

    I'm glad your fam had a great Easter!

    Love, Marlece

  2. Easter is so much more than just hunts and all the candy. We were away at our cottage for Easter so we couldn't go to our normal service at our church. So we had breakfast with our girls and spoke about what Easter was really about. It's pretty amazing when you sit there and your kids tell you more of the story of Jesus dying on the Cross then you do. At 4yrs and 7yrs I am just so blessed that they get the fact that Jesus made such an sacrifice for us!! Sounds like you had a great Easter! How are you doing?


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